If you were Jennifer Aniston, I'd sleep with ya'.
The Flavored Coffee Guy.
"John Baker" <forge at spammersmustdie.mpinet.net> wrote in message
news:MPG.13db903aeb6950de989ad1 at news.mpinet.net...
> In article <eG1ec$x7$GA.347 at cpmsnbbsa08>, elgersmad at email.msn.com says...
> > If your life is so unworth living, and
> > this world so unworth saving, would God's judgment put us to the test as
> > whether this world was worth saving based upon whether we would save it
> > granted, or given the means ourselves as a world, a people, mankind, a
> > If abortion is wrong, how could anyone be right to destroy the future by
> > destroying the environment to kill so many unborn generations? I know
> > hate group, that wasn't there for any scientific minds.
>> What he posts, and the way he crossposts it, make him officially a
> spammer. But I don't killfile him because... Well, I personally don't
> feel you should paint over really good graffiti. It may not be art, and
> this may not be the place for it, but it's interesting to know it's
> there.
>> That and I think FCG is probably the weirdest person on Earth. Not that
> there's anything wrong with that.