sigma TH antibody dilution?

Serotone serotone at replies_to_newsgroup.com
Sun Jul 16 21:21:00 EST 2000

"Dallas" <dallas.grasby at adelaide.edu.au> wrote in message
news:396433C9.6F5BC3E9 at adelaide.edu.au...
> Could someone using the Sigma anti-TH antibody (T-1299) please give me a
> hint as to the dilution appropriate for labelling cells in fixed tissue
> sections - I am yet to use the antibody in sections (rat brain paraffin
> embedded).

Everyone tells me that you always have to "empirically determine" the
appropriate dilution when you get a new antibody.  Try a couple ranges like
1:500, 1:1000, 1:5000, or call sigma and ask them what they recommend for
fixed tissue.

serotonin1 at hushmail dot com
ICQ# 6819163

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