In article <eG1ec$x7$GA.347 at cpmsnbbsa08>, elgersmad at says...
> If your life is so unworth living, and
> this world so unworth saving, would God's judgment put us to the test as to
> whether this world was worth saving based upon whether we would save it
> granted, or given the means ourselves as a world, a people, mankind, a race?
> If abortion is wrong, how could anyone be right to destroy the future by
> destroying the environment to kill so many unborn generations? I know my
> hate group, that wasn't there for any scientific minds.
What he posts, and the way he crossposts it, make him officially a
spammer. But I don't killfile him because... Well, I personally don't
feel you should paint over really good graffiti. It may not be art, and
this may not be the place for it, but it's interesting to know it's
That and I think FCG is probably the weirdest person on Earth. Not that
there's anything wrong with that.