Average sleep time needed by animals and humans

Bubba cwhizard at icqmail.com
Fri Jul 14 18:50:51 EST 2000

perhaps the important factor in determining sleep necessity is the rate at
which the individual species uses its mental abilities.  Thus humans would
have high sleep necessity, rabbits which are on the constant lookout for
predators during their active cycles also use a large percentage of their
mentality.  Horses, having very few serious predators use less.  bats and
armadillos both sleep to conserve physical energy.  JMHO


Like science and religion, I like to keep my beer and
milk seperate.  Not that I have anything against beer,
or milk, I just dont think they mix very well.

Jure Sah wrote in message <395763FA.1230A41D at guest.arnes.si>...
>Bill Skaggs wrote:
>> At the other end of the scale are horses,
>I'd say that on the other end are insects, since some never sleep...

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