
Drogo giovannildrogo at infinito.it
Mon Jul 10 13:14:37 EST 2000

Hi everyone,

I must begin to take the tianeptine (stablon) for my atypical depression,
while i currently take jumex (selegiline-deprenyl)

I know that to avoid the association tianeptine-imao, but i wanted to know
if the indication also was worth for deprenyl, to the doses in which it acts
like selective inhibitor of the mao-b.
I have had positive effects from this substance (in association with the
phenelalanine) without collateral effects (paradoxically, seems also to be
bettered the quality of my sleep) and i would want continue the assumption
of 10 mg/ die, also with the tianeptine.
Anyone have any information?
Thanks for your help.


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