Neuroscience vs. humanistic psychology

Synaesthesia poststruct at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 10 01:26:41 EST 2000

In article <0258fa00.2fd049a4 at usw-ex0104-032.remarq.com>, pain 
<painNOpaSPAM at direct.ca.invalid> wrote:

> The body expresses the feeling through itself like the muscle
> and nervous and circulation systems.   We hold or carry the
> expression that then creates a sensation. We call this "how we
> feel". There are hundreds of way we express "how we feel".
> "Thing are wieghing heavy on my chest." "I can not stomach the
> situation". "Keep a tight upper lip." "I feel like I am going to
> expode." These feelings are due to muscle holding paterns and
> poor circulation to the organ of sence in the bodies soft
> tissues. Where you express or feel the emotion is where you will
> find a correponding tender point on the skin. This shows that
> shows cell are dying because of the lack of blood flow , this in
> turn creates sensations we then express we feel. All this is
> because of cell breakdown that creates a feeling that we
> express.

Your account of emotional expression is inaccurate. Affectivity 
originates in neurological systems in the brain--bodily sensat-
ions are secondary effects caused by, mainly, designated 
neural systems (i.e., amygdala-orbitofrontal cortex interaction, 
periaqueductal grey, and so on). I won't give a detailed 
account of these systems, but if you're interested check out
Jaak Panksapp's Affective Neuroscience or, more recently, 
The Handbook of Emotion, 2nd ed. For some popular science 
literature on the subject, check out Joseph LeDoux's The Emot-
ional Brain or Antonio Damasio's Descartes' Error. 


Zach N.

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