The pausing searchlight wits, and having wot, moves on.

Mentifex mentifex at my-deja.com
Sat Jul 8 06:42:08 EST 2000

There is a design for emergent consciousness in Mind.Forth AI
but no specific CONSCIOUSNESS module to implement the design.
Instead, consciousness is an epiphenomenon expected to result
from the feedback loops of the artificial mind as it becomes
aware of itself.

The http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/mind4th.html Mind.Forth
program flow-chart (q.v.) shows the first such feedback loop
where the output of the SPEECH module feeds as input back into
the AUDITION module.  Here not just programming but experience
itself offers the waxing Forthmind a chance to become aware
that it is altering its own input stream.

The "searchlight of attention" in any conscious mind contributes
to the illusion of consciousness by immediately and vastly
expanding the input stream from any sector where the searchlight
pauses.  The pausing searchlight wits, and having wot, moves on.

In the magical algebra of the mind, the
[ illusion of consciousness ]  equals  [ consciousness ].

Forth is the lingua franca of AI, embedded NC and robotics.
For details on Mind.Forth and the public domain AI project,
see the ACM Sigplan Notices 33(12):25-31 (December 1998),
"Mind.Forth: Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence and Forth."

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