right jugular foramen tumor

CRIKETGA at aol.com CRIKETGA at aol.com
Tue Jul 4 10:49:11 EST 2000

May 1997 I underwent surgery for a right jugular foramen tumor with an 
extracranial component, as well as with an intrapetrous component and with a 
component intracranially, but extradurally, on the right side.  Procedure was 
inferotemporal fossa type An approach with anterior transposition of the 
facial nerve from the geiculate ganglion to the parotid gland, with 
obliteration of the Eustachian tube and obliteration of external auditory 
canal as a blind sac in two layers and with removal of the extracranial and 
intrapetrous portion of the skull based tumor.  Right transtemporal exposure 
of the jugular foramen with transposition of the facial nerve and tumor 

Immediate following surgery I was in chronic paid from a "knot" where my 
cheek bone was.  Three years later the right side of my face is super 
sensitive to touch and cold.  I have a chronic burning pain on the right side 
of my head.  There is pain in my forehead, lower jaw, and my right upper lip 
has no feeling.  The pain is so serve I am presently treated by a pain 
clinic.  I have spoken with the two surgeons who performed the surgery, and 
each one continues to refer back to the other.  I am quite sure the 
trigeminal nerve is involved.  Can you advise me, I am presently on so much 
pain medication I cannot function; also I cannot get either doctor to tell me 
what is causing this pain.
I can fax to you the operative reports.


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