Mind.Forth AI Update

Arthur T. Murray uj797 at victoria.tc.ca
Mon Jul 3 12:34:29 EST 2000

Mind.Forth, the free public domain AI source code, has been
updated on Sat.1.Jul.2000 and is now available for download at
http://www.netpedia.net/hosting/mentifex/index.html on the Web.

The site links to versions of the AI in various languages
(Forth, REXX, Visual Basic) and on various platforms.

The main feature of the current update is that the program
flow has been `rationalised' or streamlined for the sake of
those programmers who might like to port the AI into new
languages or onto new platforms (Linux? supercomputers?).

The new streamlining of the orderly flow also makes it very
easy for roboticists or other Forth coders to insert code
for new features or extensions at points marked in the source,
which by the way includes the beginnings of a `Tutorial' mode,
since Mind.Forth is very much intended as an educational AI.

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