Hello to all...
I have been a member of this ng for some time now for learning purposes; I
am a student of Biology at a University in North Carolina, and I'm hoping
to enter the genetics field upon my graduation. I have been interested in
genetics all my life; not solely because I find it fascinating, although I
do, but also because I have a personal connection to the field.
I was born with Tuberous Sclerosis which, as you likely know, is an
autosomal dominant genetic disorder and usually runs in families. I,
however, did not inherit my "handicap". Rather, it was due to a mutation
along the chromosome.
When I was six months old, I nearly died as a result of infantile spasms
arising from this disorder. The doctors gave me ACTH
(adrenocorticotrophic hormone), which I know to be manufactured by the
pituitary gland. I don't know much more than that about it, though.
Would someone be able to explain how it worked? I've always been curious.
In case you're wondering why I suddenly popped up with this, I had been
"watching the traffic" here (*smiles*) and saw a mention of cerebral
lesions. Though I'm not specifically an example of the affliction in
question, I do have five calcified areas in my brain. In any case, the
association prompted me to write.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Leanna Stead Harmsen
UNCG (Greensboro, NC)