neurogenesis - NewSci Feb 12 2000

John H. johnhkm at netsprintXXXX.net.au
Sat Feb 26 20:45:03 EST 2000

Doesn't Prozac affect both serotonin and norepinephrine levels? I'm
wondering if the elevation of the latter may provide a clue to the
neurogenesis impulse.

Or could it be a dampening of the cortisol elevation common in depression,
particularly given the Nature article,

Cortisol levels during human aging predict hippocampal atrophy and memory

nature neuroscience . volume 1 no 1 . may 1998

Now I have to go check up on CRH again ... .

John H.
Remove 4x

<dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi> wrote in message
news:898r9o$orr$1 at oravannahka.helsinki.fi...
> >> Ian McLeod <ian_mcleod at primus.com.au> wrote:
> >> > What about Prozac / flouxetine (?) - apparantly this has facilitated
> >> > in the hippocampus in rats..
> >>
> >> I am presently confused - where did you find that data?
> >> Dag Stenberg
> Ian McLeod <ian_mcleod at primus.com.au> wrote:
> > New Scientist.  I think it was the last quarter of last year although I
can not recall
> > the exact date.  Their web site is at www.newscientist.com
> Thank you for reminding me. This data was reported in the 1999 Society
> for Neuroscience meeting (abstract 283.16) by Barry Jacobs and Casimir
> Fornal, and NewScientist write about in in the issue of 6 November,
> 1999. The study has not yet been published (according to a Medline
> search today).
>   Indeed, fluoxetine given to rats daily for a week increased
> hippocampal neurogenesis, and Jacobs and Fornal build a theory of the
> mechanism for antidepressive treatment on this finding. This finding was
> discussed in this group some months ago, and I had again forgotten about
> it.
> Dag Stenberg

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