Conference update: Measuring Behavior 2000

Lucas Noldus lu.do at home.diva.nl
Sat Feb 26 15:53:22 EST 2000


3rd International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral

Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 15-18 August 2000


* The conference web site has been completely updated. Check it out at
http://www.noldus.com/events/mb2000/. Several program topics have been

* Registration has officially started. You can register on-line or
request paper registration forms. Special student rates are available.

* Submission of abstracts for oral papers, posters and demonstrations
has started. Detailed guidelines and procedures for submission, as
well as the Abstract Submission Form can be found on the conference
web site.

* Read all about the exciting social program of the Measuring 
Behavior 2000 conference.

Important deadlines:

31 March 2000: Deadline for submission of abstracts for oral papers, 
posters and demonstrations.

31 May 2000: Deadline for early registration (reduced fee).

Please let us know if you have any questions, remarks, etc. 
Contact information can be found on the web site. Or you can 
send an e-mail to mb2000 at noldus.nl. 

Yours sincerely, 

Wineke Schoo 
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee 

Measuring Behavior 2000
Conference Secretariat
Email: mb2000 at noldus.nl
URL: http://www.noldus.com/events/mb2000/

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