
Sir Knowitall fell_joinedby_in at one.net.au
Sat Feb 26 02:33:21 EST 2000

Tickling by EPT definition (a definition that I believe is defacto generally
acceptable or, if not, should be, and that IS at least accEPTable) is:
Individuals being tickled are the subject of (is living) a pre-SHITS (or
pre-HITS) type life-situation.
The situation of being tickled consists of "a near-enough physical
inescapability of an near-overwhelming (but not quite overwhelming)
irritation (caused by the act of tickling)"; the *sometimes* resulting
laughing Is a "safety-valve effect".
Should the tickling continue for too long it ceases to be a pre-HITS and
becomes classifieable as a full-blooded SHITS (i.e. a Specific Hibernation
Imploring Type Situation).

I am so lead to point to a more important observation (than that tickling
sometimes results in laughter -- as an outlet for a build-up, primarily but
not just, of neurochemical states of tension.

The significant frequency of SHITS type naturally selective challenges in
Phylogeny partly explains why animals are capable of selectively unconsious
(or mentally and emotionally non-reactive --- and conversely, selectively
conscious) by way of self-regulatory functions that most centrally and
typifyingly involve various endogenous opiate-like molecules (opioids)
having internally distress-blocking effects.


alanchal <alanchal at netcomuk.co.uk> wrote in message
news:88uldc$q3c$1 at taliesin2.netcom.net.uk...
> Can anyone give me a brief outline of why tickling initiates laughter.
> Also if possible a bibliography of any scientific papers that deal with
> subject.
> Thank you.
> --
> Alan Challoner
> libran at netcomuk.co.uk

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