It's known as "mirror movements", for obvious reasons.
It can be a rare feature of various neurological conditions, however if there
are no other symptoms and no distress is it necessary to take it further? If in
doubt a neurologist would be able to organise the appropriate tests to
exclude any underlying problem.
In article <o8kt4.4105$YG.275463 at>,
ULTRAMED, INC. <ultramedco at> writes
>An associate (female 42 yrs) has a condition whereby
>each hand follows the other almost exactly. In other
>words when she moves one hand the other hand tracks
>it almost exactly.
>>She has had this condition since an infant and although
>it does not appear to bother her she is curious if there is
>a medical term (definition) for this condition and also if
>there is any known non-invasive cure or therapy?
>>Thanks for any help.
>>Gil Groehn
>Ultramed, Inc.
Nick Medford