Curriculum Vitae - Adrian Hamer - 21-02-2000
Personnal details:
Name: Adrian Hamer
D.O.B: 25/06/1973
Address: 51 Silverlands Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 8JQ, UK
T: +44 (0) 1227 459836 or +44 (0) 1303 863182
E: adrianhamer at hotmail.com
In the long term I would love to run a small innovation company.
In the short to medium term to gain experience through a neuroscience
related appointment and to continue to gain so much through further
academic study. I am particularly interested in bioelectromagnetisum,
EEG and ERP.
On a personal note to grab the challenge of life in both hands and
continue to enjoy it to the full, holding my family close to my heart.
02/00+ The Open University East Grinstead
B.Sc. (cont.) \Biology: Brain & Behaviour
Syllabus: Behaviour and evolution, Neurobiology, The Senses
and Communication, Development and Flexibility, The Control of
Behaviour, The Brain: Degeneration, damage and disorder.
10/96 -06/97 Christ Church College Canterbury, Kent
B.Sc. (Hon's) \ Business Information Technology
10/95 - 06/96 Christ Church College Canterbury, Kent
HND \ Software Engineering
HND Certificate of Achievement Obtained
08/95 - 10/95 University of Brighton E.Sussex
HND \ Engineering Mechatronics
07/97 - 10/97 CWB Systems Services London
Junior Consultant (16K p.a. )
* Infrastructure: NT 4.0 rollout, PC Software Builds, Planning and
User Training.
* Helpdesk: Given full administration right over the NT,
NetWare & Unix Systems. Put Strait into a supervisory role for a 100+
PC network. Role included Creation of NT and Netware accounts, Software
management, Application Support, Backups, Restorations, User Taining
and call logging. Following up Software/Hardware providers in relation
to licences, purchases and service agreements, Building security tag
set-up, Procedure/Help documentation and weekly reports.
* Technical: Problem solving to a high technical level and
applications to a development level.
08/93 - 10/93 Channel 10 Network Mackay, Queensland
Advertising Production Manager
* I found the responsibility and challenges posed by working for this
Australian national television network, while on a working holiday
rewarding and motivating.
* Blockbuster Video: Directly responsible for this large local
franchise's major TV campaign. It's scheduling, logistics, client
production meetings & presentations, scriptwriting & storyboarding.
* Technical: Calibrated editing suite and set-up link then
broadcast live to air via microwave to Townsville.
03/96 -04/98 The British Computer Society (student member)
02/99 Autonomy Systems Ltd (2 day seminar)
Agentware, New media day 1 and Knowledge Management day 2
Certificate for the completion of the Project Management Subgroups
summer school, on Rapid Application Development
95 - 96 IEEE/IMechE (student member)
Timothy French MA, BA, AMBCS, CEng, Fcollp
W: +44 1582 734111 ext. 2680
H: +44 1582 580196
E: tim.french at luton.ac.uk
Jonathan Hart B.Sc. (Hon's) Physics
E: jon.hart at dial.pipex.com
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