Background - Curriculum Vitae - Adrian Hamer - 21-02-2000
My name is Adrian Hamer and I live in Kent in the UK, I've previously
studied HND Engineering Mechatronics, HND Software Engineering and a
B.Sc. (Hon's) Business IT. I am currently embarking on an Open
University Degree to complete my B.Sc., after having to pull out due to
the financail pressures of my own small family.
I am starting with a course entitled Biology: Brain & Behaviour
(SD206), as I have always had an interest in this area but was put off
as being too stupid at a young age. After climbing the academic ladder
as a late starter doing things I could do, it's awoken the passion in
what I'm really interested in.
Because of my background in electronics and IT I am interested in
learning more about EEG systems and ERP.
I am currently looking for employment after looking after my two
children for the past three years. Any help would be gratefully
Best wishes,
CV / Resume in Thread message 2
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