evolutionary significance of emotions !!

Marianne Kunkel 106471.2667 at compuserve.com
Mon Feb 21 02:23:09 EST 2000


I visited your exciting homepage a few minutes ago and ask you for a 
brief description of your ideas and thoughts.
I'm German and have to read your texts again very slowly to catch it 
I liked, what I read a few minutes ago and I like to think and go 
different ways, to play with thoughts, phantasy and the "truth", as 
given to us by lots of people as a result of "their" thinking - which 
they thought is the "truth". Unfortunately mostly men...

So, I'd really like to read more about you and your own ways of 

I'll read all of your homepage. But it will take some time.

Many greetings 

Marianne Kunkel

If you can read German , here is my homepage:

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