Wow, a to me on first sight agreeably intelligent person with something
approaching my own way of making "sEPTic"-humoured (yet rational) sense of
the world!
Peter F
My "home"-page is at
(With oh so humble, preemptive, apologies for it not having been edited or
improved for quite a while ;)
Etaoin Shrdlu <cooper17.spamless at> wrote in message
news:88esao$cjh$2 at
>> "A.F. Simpson" wrote:
> >Eventually the festering
> > pile of dead rabbits by the cave causes an outbreak of disease and the
> > entire human sepcies is wiped out before it even gets going.
> > love
> > Anna
>>> Normally, I don't jump on simple typos... but I just feel that "sepcies"
> fantastically appropriate to the subject of the sentence which contains
> and wanted to point that out.
> --Katrina