evolutionary significance of emotions !!

sisial sisial at email.msn.com
Thu Feb 17 03:04:04 EST 2000

"Peter" <peterind at idirect.com> wrote in message
news:goFq4.107677$B6.684760 at quark.idirect.com...
> It is impossible to consider emotions without memory processes and
> inversely. They are interacting processes and their separated significance
> isn't exist.

I do not understand the context of your response.

My comments were regarding a possible adaptive value to a so-called
psychotic behavior. I identify it as a pattern of thinking involving
periodic shifts from realism to autism resulting from a breakdown of
existing cognitive structures. I make no attempt to establish any
significance to it other than to show potential adaptive value. I make no
attempt to establish any significance to associated emotional responses.
And, I certainly make no attempt to separate emotion from memory (I
couldn't, I don't even see them as distinct processes; just convenient

If you could expand on your response, I will attempt to address any issues.

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