Autonomic Nervous System

Jillennium editor at moonlightpress.com
Tue Feb 15 13:46:05 EST 2000


the ruptured cervical spinal disks are most likely not causing
autonomic disturbances since they will probably not affect your spinal
cord (encased in the protective bones of your neck).  Cervical spinal
damage which affects the autonomic system is noted in paralysis
patients--those with extensive damage to the spinal cord following
serious traumatic injury such as gunshots to the high chest or neck. 
High level paraplegics and quadriplegics who have an injury above T6
are at risk for a condition called autonomic hyperreflexia.  Tabor's
medical dictionary will provide an adequate definition of this
condition.  I suspect you heard about autonomic hyperreflexia (does
this seem familiar?) and this was the beginning of your questions.  


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