Assessing the threat from other newsgroups -- each representing a
turf of warriors eager to expand -- consider the butterfly effect
of, comp.robotics.misc and bionet.neuroscience,
s'il vous plait.
The yelping dogs of machine intelligence run to and fro in packs,
frothing in anticipation of the great leap ("den freien, wilden
Sprung ins Weltall" -- Hesse/Steppenwolf) that will propel them
out of c.a.p. and into comp.sys.super and beyond.
The robot makers grind and polish their headless horseman of the Apo-
calypse, perfecting a robot body and still waiting for a brain- mind.
The neuromancers get high on horseradish peroxidase, staining the
synaptic cleft and filling fat journals with data data everywhere
and not a thought to think.
Tomorrow never knows, nor knows the status quo in supercomputers.
Hungry hounds of AI philosophy snarl over shreds of theory, while
Oliver Sparrow -- a known trafficker in ideas -- primes the pump
with widgetry and hot neurology. A pecking order of experts --
from Anders Weinstein on down -- sucks the meat and marrow from
every bleached bone of an idea. Lacking only is originality,
the wellspring, the font of ideas.
Beware, supercomputer Illuminati. When the AI geniuses get their ACT together, they will bury you and S.O.A.R above you.
You may talk of wind and shear when you're quartered
safe out here, but when it comes to Singularity,
full fathom five thy supercomputer lies.