Thanks for your response, but unfortunately the "see your doctor" answer
doesn't always get us patients very far. It has taken me four years and
about thirty doctors to get any help at all. Of the thirty doctors, only
three have correctly diagnosed or treated any of my problems. The rest sit
and smile and offer tranquilizers which don't do much for spinal injuries,
seizures and movement disorders. I have learned that if we want answers and
help we must study our own problems and work hard to seek out doctors who
might help.
I initially talked with two psychiatrists about all my symptoms and it was
concluded I should see a neurologist. I saw a neurologist and after all his
testing, he concluded I needed a psychiatrist and gave me the name of a
different one. At the time, he failed to diagnose the two ruptured disks in
my neck or my seizure problem. He also failed to read the report and note
this bad sinus infection that showed on the MRIs--as a possible cause of the
seizures. Indeed, he told me I was not having seizures, but was suffering
panic attacks. This error caused me to suffer uncontrolled seizures for two
Over the next couple years, five more doctors at this same clinic in
Wenatchee, WA all failed to diagnose my seizures or ruptured disks and also
insisted I was suffering stress, anxiety, psychosis and supported the
psychiatrist route. Oh, I had told each of the doctors at this clinic that I
had fallen on my bike. I had mentioned that I thought I might have a neck
injury. One twisted my head around and said my neck was fine.
I then found a neurologist who diagnosed my seizures and ruptured disk.
I had neck surgery and am now on seizure meds.
Since then I have sought help from several more neurologists and have
talked with another psychiatrist. After several months' sessions he told me
I had no apparent psychological problems, but should see a neurologist. One
neurologist said the seizures might be associated with the ruptured disks.
And though they recognized the movement disorder, none will speculate on the
So the scientific question remains; is it possible that the seizures and
movement disorder are associated with the ruptured disks in my neck?
Thanks, Wayne
"Jeffrey Peter, M.D." <kidsdoc2000 at> wrote in message
news:hdFp4.496$KD.34542 at
>> wayne wrote in message ...
> >Around four years ago, I developed a couple ruptured disks in my cervical
> >spine. At the same time I began having numerous simple partial seizures.
> >Though I have always had a slight problem with Tourettes syndrome, or
> >movement disorder, this became very pronounced. As I've mentioned here
> >before, I also became extremely emotional.
>> Perhaps stress because of the ruptured disks is related to the increase in
> symptoms.
>> You need to see a neurologist for the anwers to your questions.
>> > Especially without knowledge that there is a cervical spine injury
> >involved, these things become very complex and are soon beyond the
> >comprehension of most doctors, who immediately jump to the conclusion
> >its all due to emotional problems. Give 'em Prozac and send them on their
> >way.
>> That is why you need to see a neurologist.
>> > However, I have learned that the autonomic nervous system can become
> >messed up due to spinal cord injury, especially in the neck. I now
> >that, besides all the other symptoms, seizures can be caused by autonomic
> >nerve problems and/or head and neck injuries. I am wondering if
> >can be caused by injuries to the autonomic nervous system. I might soon
> have
> >some first hand experience, for I think my neurosurgeon is about to
> >the ruptured disk in my neck. I can then report any changes in seizure
> >Tourettes activity.
>> Talk to a psychiatrist or a neurologist. A neuropsychologist might be able
> to thelp.
> > Any comments would be appreciated.
> >
> >Wayne
> >
> >