was intended for teachers to sell or give away
their educational materials to other teachers - not students.
We apologize for not making this more clear.
-Michael Harrison
President, Socratica
In article <wtBl4.1300$sN.67035 at typhoon1.rdc->, "Richard Norman" <rsnorman at> wrote:
>Darn! All these years of teaching and I have always assumed
>my students were entitled to my class handouts simply by virtue
>having paid tuition to be in my course!
>>And I don't even charge them extra for exams.
>>I coulda been a millionaire!
>>Michael Harrison
<michael.harrisonNOmiSPAM at> wrote in
>message news:017b884b.2a86cf09 at>> Hello,
>>>> We just wanted Professors (and grad students) who teach or TA
>> Neuroscience to know that you can sell your handouts, exams,
>> powerpoint presentations, etc. on This site is
>> devoted to the exchange of educational materials. It is
>> completely free to join and post your materials, and we pay a
>> 90% commission rate. So if you charge $5 for a powerpoint
>> presentation on Ion Channels, then we pay you $4.50 for every
>> sale.
>>>> Thank you for your consideration, and we would greatly
>> appreciate any suggested Neuroscience links.
>>>> -Michael Harrison
>> President, Socratica
>>>>>>>> * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's
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