Vivian R.F.Linssen <vivian.linssen.i.b.r.p at> wrote:
> 3) You may have heard of "Principles of Neural Science" (Kandel et al. Ed.
> by Elsevier). I studied the third edition right through some time ago but
> found it rather disappointing. I'm therefore - a priori - not too keen on
> buying the fourth edition (which hasn't reached France yet). I applaud the
> basic concept of "Principles of Neural Science" but I found the text
> sometimes confusing to read, not to mention the mistakes and excessive (and
> often contradictory) redundancy.
The 4th edition is a considerable improvement on the 3rd edition in terms of
clarity and organization. I haven't read it all(!) yet, so I cannot comment on
the prevalence of mistakes and contradictions.