Below is the abstract of a forthcoming BBS target article.
by Thomas A. Stoffregen
and Benoit G. Bardy
*** please see also 5 important announcements about new BBS
policies and address change at the bottom of this message) ***
This article has been accepted for publication in Behavioral and Brain
Sciences (BBS), an international, interdisciplinary journal providing
Open Peer Commentary on important and controversial current research in
the biobehavioral and cognitive sciences.
Commentators must be BBS Associates or nominated by a BBS Associate. To
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Thomas A. Stoffregen
Department of Psychology
P. O. Box 210376
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0376 USA
stoffrta at
Benoit G. Bardy
Universite de Paris Sud-XI
Division of Sport Sciences (STAPS)
Batiment 335, 91405 Orsay Cedex
benoit.bardy at
KEYWORDS: epistemology, information, intersensory, perception,
perceptual learning, sensory neurophysiology, sensory systems,
ABSTRACT: In this target article we question the assumption that
perception is divided into separate domains of vision, hearing,
touch, taste, and smell. We review implications of this assumption
for theories of perception, and for our understanding of ambient
energy arrays (e.g., the optic and acoustic arrays) that are
available to perceptual systems. We analyze three hypotheses about
relations between ambient arrays and physical reality; (1) that
there is an ambiguous relation between ambient energy arrays and
physical reality; (2) that there is a unique relation between
individual energy arrays and physical reality; (3) that there is a
redundant but unambiguous relation, within or across arrays,
between energy arrays and physical reality. This is followed by a
review of the physics of motion, focusing on the existence and
status of referents for physical motion. Our review indicates that
it is not possible, in principle, for there to be a unique relation
between physical motion and the structure of individual energy
arrays. We argue that physical motion relative to different
referents is specified only in the global array, which consists of
higher-order relations across different forms of energy. The
existence of specificity in the global array is consistent with the
idea of direct perception, and so poses a challenge to traditional,
inference-based theories of perception and cognition. However, it
also presents a challenge to much work within the ecological
approach to perception and action, which has accepted the
assumption of separate senses.
To help you decide whether you would be an appropriate commentator for
this article, an electronic draft is retrievable from the World Wide
Web or by anonymous ftp from the US or UK BBS Archive.
Ftp instructions follow below. Please do not prepare a commentary on
this draft. Just let us know, after having inspected it, what relevant
expertise you feel you would bring to bear on what aspect of the
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(4) BBS has expanded its annual page quota and is now appearing
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also going to be considerably faster with the new electronic
submission and processing procedures. Authors are invited to submit
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(5) Call for Book Nominations for BBS Multiple Book Review
In the past, Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS) journal had only
been able to do 1-2 BBS multiple book treatments per year, because
of our limited annual page quota. BBS's new expanded page quota
will make it possible for us to increase the number of books we
treat per year, so this is an excellent time for BBS Associates and
biobehavioral/cognitive scientists in general to nominate books you
would like to see accorded BBS multiple book review.
(Authors may self-nominate, but books can only be selected on the
basis of multiple nominations.) It would be very helpful if you
indicated in what way a BBS Multiple Book Review of the book(s) you
nominate would be useful to the field (and of course a rich list of
potential reviewers would be the best evidence of its potential
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