an ALS Hypothesis

Bill Skaggs skaggs at bns.pitt.edu
Mon Feb 7 19:35:36 EST 2000

"Andrew K Fletcher" <gravitystudy at hotmail.com> writes:

> Hi Bill, thank you for your reply.
> What I am looking for is to see if the "amyloid precursor protein or APP" is
> part of solidified myelin and cerebrospinal fluid. If the make up is the
> same it might lead to understanding how these plaques develop. For example,
> a scab results from blood, so presumably it must have the same compound base
> as blood.

Sorry, amyloid does not have anything to do with myelin or
cerebrospinal fluid -- it forms inside nerve cells, but myelin is
formed by a different type of cell in the brain.

For a lot of useful information about Alzheimers, mainly for patients
and laymen, you could take a look at some of the links at:

	-- Bill

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