I am neurosurgeon and I am passionated by the traumatic brain injury (TBI)
biomechanics. From some point of view, biomechanics is the starting point
for the overall understanding of the TBI pathophysiology. Current
biomechanical theories were evoked since more than 40 years
and difficulty explain part of the cerebral lesions or common neurological
signs. In the mean time, there are significant differences between
experimental research in animals and clinic observations in humans.
The stereotactical summation phenomena might overpass these aspects and
explain these differences. Their understanding could help us to advance
even more in the comprehension of related neurological disorders.
An English translation of the article describing this new approach in
TBI biomechanics is available at:
I would highly appreciate your opinion on this topic.
Sincerely yours,
Dr Catalin Obreja