a clean but not sterile needle is normally used to test sensation,sometimes
it is sharp enough to produce bleeding
Paul Mathot <pmathot at pnc.com.au> wrote in message
news:388c4407 at occy.pnc.com.au...
> Can anyone tell me what is normal procedure for a insurance Dr. (G.P.
> when he does the prick test on my friend that suffered a back injury and
> a disc herniation at L5/S1. She has progressively got worse over the last
> year and the last few months has numbness in both feet, left is worse than
> right. Today, she came back with puncture marks on both legs below the
> and in the arches of her feet. Upon asking her what he did, she said she
> laid back with her eyes to ceiling but her daughter saw him gently start
> prodding a bulletin board pin into her calves that he got out of his
> stationary draw and used without sterilizing it first. When she didn't
> react, he progressively pushed the pin in harder and harder making her
> bleed. He said, "Oh, your bleeding, have you been taking aspirin?" she
> hadn't. She now has at least a dozen or more pucture wounds on both legs.
> thought no Dr. was allowed to penetrate causing bleeding once, let alone
> multiple times! Especially when they are not your normal Dr. Can anyone
> please advise the legal consequences? Thank you in advance. Paul.