Management of Phantom Limb Pain - The First International Consensus
March 24th, Oxford, UK
There is a need for a consensus-based, evidence-linked, pragmatic
guideline to harmonise and improve the care of patients with phantom
limb pain.
This conference features a full programme of lectures by international
authorities in the field including Vilayanur Ramachandran, Ronald
Melzack and Patrick Wall, to name but a few. Their presentations will
provide the starting point for the development of the guideline. We
hope that delegates will participate in this process. A draft
guideline will be drawn up within a month of the conference and sent to
delegates for comment. The guideline will then be developed in
association with the Pain Society and presented to appropriate national
bodies for ratification.
For further information and booking forms please contact the conference
office: Phantom.limb.pain at
We look forward to welcoming you to the conference.
Management of Phantom Limb Pain
Conference Office
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