the 'aviation flight-reconfiguration' thing

kenneth Collins kpaulc at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 3 17:37:35 EST 2000


kenneth Collins wrote:


> that is, the primary (and almost only) purpose of 'seat belting' folks
> is to 'attach' them to the airframe, and prevent their
> would-otherwise-be-uncoupled inertia from mucking-up an aircraft's trim.
> seat belts are a safety factor, but almost wholly with respect to the
> aircraft's trim, which means that seatbelts are actually for the plane's
> dynamics (upon which everyone's survival depends), not passengers.

forgot about in-flight turbulence, with respect to which, seatbelts come
in right-handy with respect to keeping one's noggin away from the hard
stuff. same with hard landings, and aborted take-offs.


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