Trying to find an Australian Neurologist who cares.

gregh chows at dontspam.me.dot.ozemail.com.au
Thu Feb 3 16:17:07 EST 2000

Does one exist? Hopefully, if it is you and you are reading this, you are in
the area of Sydney and suburbs or anywhere out to Orange, NSW but if not,
let me know anyway, please. I have been to 2 neurologists who would rather
laugh at proof given to them than look into what is wrong with me and that
amounts to being stonewalled by the medical profession. I need someone with
an open mind to look into what may be wrong with me. If you are the type who
is afraid to think and would rather just read the reports of radiologists on
MRIs, then you are obviously not a neurologist who wants to contact me. If
you can read MRIs without having to rely on what radiologists say and dont
care what a previous neurologist has said, then you ARE the sort who should
contact me. If you wish to email me, remove the anti-spam bits out of my
email address. I need a competent neurologist. I have seen 2 neurologists
who dont come close to that description so far.


Remove the anti-spammer stuff.

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