Brain Cell Damage Due to Epilepsy?

gregh chows at dontspam.me.dot.ozemail.com.au
Thu Feb 3 16:06:43 EST 2000

"wayne" <wayne-pierce at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:#t8T3Mmb$GA.246 at cpmsnbbsa02...
> When I began to have seizures around five years ago, I suddenly became
> extremely emotional and my thought processes changed. A psychiatrist told
> that the change in sensitivity was due to the seizures. I have also read
> somewhere that seizures can cause brain damage. Any comments would be
> appreciated.
> Thanks,   Wayne

I wish you luck. I have been trying to find out info, in Australia, on
Arnold Chiari Malformation. Oh sure I can get all that info on the net from
USA but I mean I have gone to 2 neurologists. I am a diagnosed sleep apnea
with it as bad as it can get. The first neuro said I had nothing wrong
except being overweight, didnt have sleep apnea (even though I have sleep
tests to the opposite) and didnt have anything wrong with me at all. The MRI
done revealed, in his words, that I had white areas on the brain that were
not atypical of Parkinsons (even though I hadnt asked him about that) and
though he didnt know what they represented, he was "sure they were benign".
Really good feeling. The second agreed I "probably had sleep apnea but only
the mildest possible amount" again going against sleep study reports and he
saw the name of the first neuro on the reports for the MRIs and immediately
shutup shop in his mind about whatever was going on, assuring me the first
was right. I told him that the first said I DIDNT have sleep apnea and asked
if he was saying the guy was wrong. "Oh no, I am not saying that but you do
have the mildest possible sleep apnea". Well, excuse me, either I have it,
in his terms or not so either he or the first was right.

I take the white areas as brain damage of some sort. No-one wants to look
into it or explore what it might mean, in Australia and when presented with
data from USA that Arnold Chiari Malformation may happen with herniation
measured in only millimetres, the two neurologists I saw scoffed, laughed
and said the data was untrustworthy, against proof that operations on some
of those have relieved symptoms. I'd have to win Lotto to get to USA for
medical treatment. So, for me because of intransigent Australian
neurologists who cant think beyond their limits, I have to live a life with
the symptoms of Arnold Chiari Malformation, one of which is sleep apnea.
This is like a waking death in many ways. I am attempting to find a
cure/relief but Australian neurologists appear to refuse that by the way
they react and American medical is just to damned expensive. One of the
things I suffer as a result of this is what you have - changing emotions
that I find hard to control and personally embarrassing. What can I do about
it? Well, if my 2 neurologist visits are atypical, I can SUFFER IN SILENCE.


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