kenneth Collins wrote:
> which reminds me of the rationale with which Jackie Stewart raced. he
> won a =lot= of races, with his mind set on preserving the structural
> integrity of his vehicle through the minimization of
the 'violence' inherent in
> routine acceleration[, shifting] and braking, etc., operations, and by
> driving a 'smooth' line.
a race car driver doesn't win many races by 'minimizing acceleration'
if it seems that i do a lot of this sort of 'skipping' words, take that
as a measure of the Brutality of the 'solitary confinement' into which i
was long-ago cast.
within my solitude, i've no use for verbal symbols, and only invoke
'words' when i 'translate' out of the mode in which i think, when
describing this or that for others.
anyway, i've considered further, and this 'being gentle' in flight
transitions, while a =good= practice, would, because of the increased
aircraft longevity that would follow from it, probably 'just' result in
even more laxity with respect to aircraft maintenance.
so, in the end, thorough maintenance, by folks who realize that their
work is what carries folks in the air, is the necessary thing.
it's the same in Neuroscience (and everything else). if folks don't care
about doing their work all-the-way, then folks who could've, otherwise
benefitted, 'crash-and-burn', instead.
it's always seemed extraordinarily-non-sensical when i witness such, no
matter what's involved.
it's a 'big-gamble', in which folks 'climb on each others' backs',
trying to not be the one whose 'butt-hits-the-floor' when 'the music
stops', when all that's necessary is for folks to care about their
contributions to "the music's" enduring without fail.