In article <879uq2$rfc$1 at>,
Marco de Innocentis <mdeinnocentis at> wrote:
> Some time ago I read a book which tried to teach people how
> to draw. One of the tricks it suggested was to look at a
> portrait upside down while trying to copy it; that way your
> brain would not have been carried away with the "global"
> details of the picture. But for me it didn't work: even when
> watching the picture upside down, I could still recognise it
> as a portrait of JFK. So I'm still as bad as drawing as
> before. What does this tell about my brain?
> Thanks,
>> Marco
>Did the book address in any minor way the possibility/idea of subtle
learning difficulties associated with learning disabilities including
ADHD? Some children and adults have difficulty drawing and it is
sometimes an expression of a hidden neurological challenge involving
vision, paying attention, fine motor control and so on. Within the
ADHD syndrome, there are a number of cases where the right medicine
temporarily allows the person to draw better (better co-ordination:
handwriting, drawing, gym, sports). Source: The Hyperactive Child by
Domeena C. Renshaw, M.D.
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