Sensory Neuropathy -HELP

gc gcyr at ils.net
Wed Feb 2 10:55:44 EST 2000

February 2, 2000

Dear Doctor’s:

Firstly, let me give you a bit of my family history.

- October 18, 1995  - Dad died of a stroke at age 69, he also had
diabetes and Parkinson’s.

- December 19, 1995 Mom died of COPD at age 62, she also had 1 lung
removed for cancer in 1992.

- Now it’s my turn, I am 42, about 5’10” tall and weigh about 235lbs.
Probably about 40lbs too much, but I am working on that.

- I am a firefighter by trade (22yrs)

- About a year ago I was diagnosed with Diabetes, based on one (HIGH
GLUCOSE TOLERANT TEST) it was around 14. I have regular tests done about
every two months and I check my own twice a day and have never seen
above a 7.

- My family doctor referred me to a Neurologist for testing as my feet
were becoming numb. This is who did the blood test and told me I have

- It has been over a year now and my feet are getting worse, infact it
is traveling up my legs into my calves. Sometimes it is very painful to
even walk.

- The Doctors call it Sensory Neuropathy, I just call it a nuisance.

Can anyone help me find out what is happening to me?


gcyr at ils.net


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