Lobotomy like effect from major tranquilizor (antipsychotic)

Marco de Innocentis mdeinnocentis at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 1 12:55:34 EST 2000

In article <875agc$7h4$1 at news1.tc.umn.edu>,
  "Alcanthus" <hoelx005 at gold.tc.umn.edu> wrote:
> I was on a drug called Triavil for 4 months 18 year ago for treatment
> obsessive compulsive disorder and depression. Triavil is a combination
> tricyclic antidepressant and phenothiazine
> major tranquilizor. It's the major tranquilizor part which I'm almost
> certain caused
> the damage. I've had a few people tell me they've had the same
> I took the drug for 4 months 18 years ago. Immediately upon taking the
> I felt like the passionate, deep and tender part of my emtional being
> erased.

Would it be possible for you to give a few more details about this
loss you experienced? Which emotions, which states of mind do you
miss the most?


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