career in neuroscience

J.R.S. simonizer at bigfoot.com
Tue Feb 1 09:04:10 EST 2000

    Have you considered looking right in your own backyard?  Indiana
University has a fine group of neuroscience researchers, and a Program in
Medical Neurobiology.  You can learn more at http://www.iupui.edu/~medneuro.
As far as a "day in the life" of a neuroscientist...they are as varied as
any can be.  Stop by your local neuroscience department and have a look.
And good luck!


<edkeen at usa.net> wrote in message news:86ffrb$stu$1 at nnrp1.deja.com...
> Hi, my name is Ed Keen, and I am considering a career in neuroscience
> research.  I graduated with a B.S. in psychology in 1990 (minor in
> biology), and since then I have been a computer programmer.  I have a
> few questions about the field:
> 1.  What are considered the best schools for neuroscience?  So far, I
> have only checked into UCLA and Caltech, but any area of the country is
> fine.
> 2.  Caltech has a "Computing and Neural Systems" program
> (http://www.cns.caltech.edu/).  Is anyone familiar with this program?
> If so, please give me any impressions you have of it.
> 3.  One bit of reluctance I have about getting into a research-oriented
> field is the fact that I have not done much research, so I am not sure
> what it is like.  I wonder if it is dry and tedious (especially when I
> see some of the obscure subjects that people are researching).  Can
> anybody shed some light on this?  What is a "day in the life" of a
> neuroscience researcher like?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ed Keen
> Indianapolis, Indiana
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> Before you buy.

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