What is Phentermine??

Andrew T. Austin slightlynervous at NOSPAMbtinternet.com
Sun Dec 31 00:44:58 EST 2000


Someone had to fall for it.....

  The Five Smiths <thefivesmiths at sympatico.ca> wrote in message news:3A4EB10C.35D2E5F8 at sympatico.ca...
  It's a central nervous system stimulant and sympathomimetic with actions and uses similar to those of 
  dextroamphetamine. It has been used most frequently in the treatment of obesity. 
  Pharmacological action: adrenergic agents, adrenergic uptake inhibitors, appetite depressants, central nervous system 
  stimulants, dopamine agents, dopamine uptake inhibitors, sympathomimetic. 

  Chemical name: Benzeneethanamine, alpha,alpha-dimethyl- 

  sfhqbyewc at gvbavgdqb.com wrote: 

    Hi there, 
    Came across this website offering cheap phentermine... 


    Just wondering.... what is phentermine? What is it used for? Is it safe? 


    >>  ,Po,sted ,u,sin,g, ,a t,r,i,a,l, ,c,opy of, ,S,m,a,r,t, ,Post ,Pro 
    >>  ,,Dow,n,load ,a, ,co,py, at h,t,t,p,:,/,/,w,ww,.,d,e,f,i,s,of.,s,w,est,.co.uk

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