growth hormone transcript in pituitary IL

Shinohara, Mari Mari.Shinohara at joslin.harvard.edu
Tue Dec 26 14:56:57 EST 2000


Does anyone know wether rodent pituitary intermediate lobe (IL) also
produces growth hormone?

I am now trying to surgically isolate clean IL from anterior lobe tissues.
There I am using RT-PCR to check my IL tissues not including AL by detecting
GH mRNA.  Even though I do LCM (laser captured microdissection), which is
supposed to be very precise, I always see GH mRNA.  I am wondering whether
there is a little bit of somatotrophs in IL too, or IL has leaky expression
of GH transcripts.

Thank you in advance...  And a Happy New Year.


Mari Shinohara, Ph.D.
Joslin Diabetes Center
Boston, MA 02215


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