John 'De Man' wrote:
> "Alf Christophersen" <alf.christophersen at> wrote in message
> news:3a422d7a.20194699 at>> > On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 13:54:13 GMT, "John 'De Man'"
> > <DeMan at> wrote:
>> > >Six cans a day of coke is a prescription for being toothless in about 15
> > >years or so. I know, because I am speaking from experience. Your silver
> > >fillings will start to protrude over the surface of your teeth as the
> enamel
> > >is gradually eaten away. Your front teeth will eventually thin to the
> point
> > >where they will start falling apart.
>> > >That is when I decided to get dentures. :-)
>> > >And, I ain't joking either. Took me no more than 20 years of drinking
> coke.
>> > Hm, I do not normally drink Coke at all, but still I have lost all
> > myine, except 4. I'm just drinking tea, so tea must also contain som
> > good enamel chelators :-)
>> Getting dentures was the best move I ever made. :-)
>> Helps me munch through $9 worth of apples each week.
>> No more drilling!
> No more dental X-rays!
> No more Novocain!
> No more tooth aches!
> No more brushing teeth at night.
> No more flossing!
> No more paying the dentist!
>> Best of all, people actually think that I have a perfect set of teeth!!!!
> --
> John Gohde,
> Achieving good health is an Art, NOT a Science!
>> Introducing -- a simple health program that
> really works!
>>> The biggest impact on your health will come from dropping Junk Food and
> Saturated Fat from your diet.
I have had plenty of Coke, Diet Coke, Pepsi and Diet Pepsi and I have never even
had a cavity. Butch up John!
Robert Schuh
"Everything that elevates an individual above the herd and
intimidates the neighbour is henceforth called evil; and
the fair, modest, submissive and conforming mentality,
the mediocrity of desires attains moral designations and honors"
- Nietzsche
"The meek shall inherit nothing" - Zappa