Map of Sensory Cortex, Penfield's Homunculus.

Richard Norman rsnorman at mediaone.net
Fri Dec 22 21:33:33 EST 2000

"Andrew T. Austin" <slightlynervous at NOSPAMbtinternet.com> wrote in message
news:920hj4$aj97 at eccws12.dearborn.ford.com...
> Hi,
> I am looking for a good and preferably updated picture of the map of the
> sensory cortex - either on the web (i have not been able to find one as
> or in a postor format (i`m in the UK).
> Similarly, i`m after a model or diagram of the homunculus - again,
> preferably an updated version - either as a web picture, model or poster
> format.
> Can anyone suggest any approriate resources.
> Thanks in advance,
> Andrew Austin.
> Southampton, England.
> Please can any replies be sent direct to my home email address:
> slightlynervous at btinternet.com

Search www.google.com for sensory homunculus.

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