I'm sorry, I'll write that again. I forgot to put in the <snip> marks.
In article <1elvopp.snxjvnl41l6eN%harry at dherwin.org>,
harry at dherwin.org (Harry Erwin, Ph. D.) wrote:
>> What's this about volleys? By the time a primary neuron recovers and
> ready to generate another action potential, the event is usually past
> and done with. Of course, my interest is echolocating bats, with pulse
> generation rates ranging up to 200/second. Think about it.
>>> --
> Harry Erwin, PhD, <mailto:harry at dherwin.org>,
> Senior Lecturer in Computing at the University of Sunderland,
> Computational Neuroscientist (modeling bat behavior) and
> Senior SW Analyst and Security Engineer.
And my interest is in memory and the neural correlates of
consciousness, which some workers are tentatively associationg with
the 'gamma' oscillations found in certain groups of neurons.
Is memory 'usually past and done with' by the time a primary neuron
recovers? Is conscousness or awarenss something that lasts only an
Andrew Gyles
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