Dried chestnuts

Castagne Cappetta S.r.l. castagne.cappetta at geos.it
Tue Dec 19 03:28:37 EST 2000

Castagne Cappetta S.r.l. Import-Export
Loc. Caliendo 83043 Bagnoli Irpino (AV) Italy
Tel.0827/602003 Fax.0827/602907
http: www.geos.it/castagne_cappetta
e-mail: castagne.cappetta at geos.it

Dear Mr.,

We are an Italian company specialised in the production of dried and processed chestnuts. Presently we market our chestnuts in the Italian market and process approximately 100.000 Kg of dried chestnuts a year.

Our success is based on the top quality that we offer and the also for the selection and calibre of our goods.

If your company is interested in exploring ways to a mutually beneficial business relation, we will be very pleased to supply you with samples and price list.

Awaiting your kind answer, we take this opportunity to present our best regards.

Vincenzo Picariello

Castagne Cappetta S.r.l.

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