Chat Room for Neuroscience?

Harm-Jan Wieringa wieringa at compuserve.com
Sun Dec 10 16:40:15 EST 2000

You could try the MSN neuroscience community. It has a chat option but is
not very busy.

It is at http://communities.msn.com/neuroscience


y.k.y <y.k.y at lycos.com> wrote in message
news:906j64$kbg3 at imsp212.netvigator.com...
> Hi
> Is there any chat room for neuroscience discussions?
> Ive found NeuroChat at:
> http://www.pitt.edu/~mattf/NeuroChat.html
> but the server is always 'busy'.
> Well, I use the shareware chat program 'mIRC'
> http://www.mirc.com
> and Ive started a little chat room called #neuroscience.
> You may download and install mIRC and then
> log on to any of the DALnet servers from the list.
> Im there usually during the afternoon EST.
> Im 29/m biochem student and my interest is in
> cognitive neuroscience, especially memory.
> Hope to see you soon =)
> yan king yin
> y.k.y at lycos.com
> http://www.angelfire.com/myband/sevenless/Neuro.htm

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