What is the estimated number of genes expressed specifically
in the brain? The genome database contains known genes but
what about the total number of known and unknown ones?
A possible method is: (Im not sure if this can be done?)
Firstly the cDNA library of the brain tissue is prepared
(and maybe amplified) which contains the more prevalent
expressed genes.
Then the library is somehow 'hybridized' with other cDNA
libraries to 'wash off' the common denominators. After
multiple iterations, the resulting 'difference set', denoted
as A/B, should contain the genes specific to the sample
For example:
'Brain' / 'Muscle' / 'Bone' / ... etc
or 'Hippocampus' / 'Cortex' / 'Brainstem' / 'Fetus' ... etc
When the library becomes small enough, perhaps around 100,
the number can be counted by electrophoresis or spectroscopy.
Im not familiar with DNA techniques -- is this feasible,
or is done already??
Thanks for your help!!
yan king-yin
y.k.y at lycos.com.no_spam(remove no_spam)