Research Assistant Wanted, fMRI Boston

David Salat salat at NMR.MGH.Harvard.EDU
Fri Dec 8 17:59:49 EST 2000

Research Assistant Position Available in structural and functional
Massachusetts General Hospital-NMR Center, Charlestown Navy Yard


START DATE: Immediately

A full-time research assistant position is available in the laboratories
of Drs. Anders Dale, Eric Halgren, and Bruce Fischl. The primary focus of
the position is on processing of structural and functional magnetic
resonance imaging data. Other tasks could include data organization,
statistical analysis, and other lab duties.

This position requires a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree.
Some research experience would also be useful. Candidates should have some
previous experience with personal computers and/or workstations and should
be willing to learn how to use our structural and functional image
analysis software. Familiarity with Linux/Unix would be extremely useful.
Some knowledge of neuroanatomy and/or statistics would be a plus.

A candidate must be able to work independently. This is an excellent
position for a recent college graduate who wants to spend two or more
years in a research setting before going on to graduate school. A two-year
commitment is requested, but not critical.

Please send a resume with the names of two references, or questions to
(e-mail correspondence with the subject line 'RES ASST' preferred):

David Salat, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
Department of Radiology
Building 149, 13th St.
Mail Code: 149 (2301)
Charlestown, MA 02129-2060
email: salat at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu


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