deja vu

Ron Blue rcb1 at lccc.edu
Mon Dec 4 12:04:03 EST 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark D. Morin" <mdmpsyd at PETERHOOD69.earthlink.net>
To: <neur-sci at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 5:52 AM
Subject: Re: deja vu
> It really doesn't change the fact that frequent déjà-vu is a red flag for
> seizure activity.

As a topic deja vu comes up in my college psychology classes all the time.
About 98% of the students report deja vu.  Non-students report deja vu
around 68% of the time.  Does this suggest that college student have more
seizures?  At least 1 out of 10 college students have frequent deja vu
experiences, and have low frequency rates of seizure activity.

Agreed that seizure activity and deja vu are correlated, but correlation
no mean causality.  By suggesting seizures as the red flag for predicting
deja vu, reduces the common experience.

Interesting as we age our frequency rate of deja vu declines, can this be
for seizures?

Modulating a strong magnetic field over the temporal lobe at 30 hertz causes
deja vu experiences.  Does this mean these people are having a seizure?

Ron Blue


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