Please, i understand that there are folks in Government, Business and
Journalism that are fighting tooth-and-nail on behalf of Justice... just as i
understand there are folks who go at 'religion' in a way that 'moves away from'
i cannot write a book in every msg i post, and i trust that, by now, folks have
some inkling of what's in my 'heart'.
i just wish folks could understand that, with every day that passes, i see more
with respect to which i've unavoidable Obligation.
what is a man supposed to do with his ever-more-widely-opened eyes?
slink off as a Coward because of his awareness of what 'powerful' folks can do
to him?
folks can do what they will.
i accept the Obligation inherent in the understanding, and i'm meeting the
Obligation in the most-gentle way i can... even though i'm treated as a
'criminal' for having done the best thing that i can do... 'locked-up',
'imprisoned' within, and by, This Nation that i've Loved and served well...
just because i 'call a shovel a shovel', determinedly, enduringly, and
your GrandChildren, or theirs, will be glad i did.
the road untraveled must be graded as one goes... makes the going 'rough'.
that's all.
K. P. Collins (ken)
>Subject: Re: a Formal Challenge to folks in Science
>From: kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ (ken collins)
>Date: Sun, 31 October 1999 09:04 AM EST
>Message-id: <19991031090431.06212.00000634 at>
>Science, and Humanity, deserve far better than they're getting from
>'science'... and it's all Shameful until things turn around.
>>look all around. whence comes Hope in this matter?
>>from 'government'?
>>nope. "government's" sold-out, too-busy getting reelected.
>>from 'business'?
>>nope. 'business' sells itself out, too-busy working to channel folks'
>to itself.
>>nope. 'journalism' just prints whatever's 'fashionable'... maximizes ad
K. P. Collins