a Formal Challenge to folks in Science

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Sun Oct 31 09:04:31 EST 1999

>Subject: Re: a Formal Challenge to folks in Science
>From: kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ  (ken collins)
>Date: Wed, 27 October 1999 01:24 AM EDT
>Message-id: <19991027012433.26770.00001611 at ng-fj1.aol.com>


>what i'm saying, as i've explained repeatedly in this and other online
>'places', is that, while i was doing the Neuroscience thing, it became
>to me that all of the 'higher-level' things that the Neuroscience points to
>were explicitly addressed by Jesus 2000 years ago.
>for me, acknowledging such was just a matter of Honor in Science.

there's much-more to-it than that... it is, concisely, that it's clear that
there's Truly-Awesome-Wonder Stuff in Jesus'
Jaw-hangingly-accurate-and-complete, thousands-of-years Foreknowledge.

for me, there's only one plausible 'explanation'... everything else'd require
too much 'smoke and mirrors' to 'bridge' the thousands of years.

Jesus is, Clearly, Supernatural... God.

it's a Sorrow that folks in Science 'move away from' such.

which reminds me... saw an ad for S. J. Gould's new book, _Rocks of Ages_

quoting from the ad: "Instead of choosing between science and religion, Gould
asks, why not opt for a golden mean that accords dignity and distinction to
each realm?"

"Give to Ceasar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."

problem is God is Truth.

quoting from the ad: "At the heart of Gould's penetrating argument is a lucid,
contemporary principle he calls NOMA (for nonoverlapping magisteria) - a
'blessedly simple and entirely conventional resolution' that allows science and
religion to coexist peacefully in a position of respectful noninterference.
With separate spheres of influence, science defines the natural world and
religion, our moral world."

there exists no ground for such 'noninterference' because 'science' Dictates to
Humanity what it is that should be done within the 'moral' sphere... and
'science' does such in a deplorable way... there's not one biologist, for
instance, who doesn't know that Human Life begins at conception, and unfolds in
an unbroken chain of energy transformations until death... yet, 'science'
withholds this Truth of the 'natural world' from folks. then, there's all the
'science' that's devoted to weapons of mass destruction. then there's the way
that 'science' 'moves away from' applying its skill and understanding to the
problems that prey upon the masses, because lifting folks out of the gutters is
insufficiently glamorous within 'scientific' circles.

don't get me wrong. i =Love= Science, and i deplore stuff such as the banning
of evolutionary theory (even as i deplore "science's" 'moving away from' fully
communicating the benign fact of evolutionary theory with respect to
Creation... there's nothing 'discordant', but 'science' doesn't bother to even
try to communicate that fact to lay folks?)

then there's stuff like 'genetic engineering' that's aimed at the food stuffs
upon which Humanity depends, and, ultimately, at Humanity, itself... when i
look, i see that 'science' is blinded, almost rabidly, by the quest for
'profits'... folks doing research under 'government' grants, then rushing out
to start businesses to 'profit' from the taxpayer-funded research... leaving
folks doubly-financially-burdened... taxed once, and retailed to the max.

then there are all of the toxic waste sites, strewn across the Nation by
'scientists' too impatient for 'profits' to develop clean manufacturing
engineering practices.

then there's the flight away from education in the name of 'profits'... "What?
me teach? why should i when i can 'go into business'? You'll just have to find
someone else to educate your children."

it goes on and on, in this way. 'science' impacts heavily within the realm of
Morality. 'science' has had a 'guilty conscience' about all of this for
centuries... that's the main reason that 'science' has so persecuted Religion.

but the main reason that it cannot be that 'science' cannot separate itself
from God... God is Truth... Truth is =one= thing... how does 'science' propose
to 'divide' such?

what 'scraps' will 'science' leave to 'normal' folks?

it's hilarious... 'science' trashes folks hopes, dictates what folks'll
experience, runs of with the nation's treasure, never even acknowledges the
Taxpayers (but surely gets in a 'plug' for NSF, etc. (to 'grease' the wheels of
further floods of Taxayers' funds)), and then expects folks to

don't get me wrong, it's be-cause i =Love= Science that i write as i have,

Science, and Humanity, deserve far better than they're getting from
'science'... and it's all Shameful until things turn around.

look all around. whence comes Hope in this matter?

from 'government'?

nope. "government's" sold-out, too-busy getting reelected.

from 'business'?

nope. 'business' sells itself out, too-busy working to channel folks' earnings
to itself.


nope. 'journalism' just prints whatever's 'fashionable'... maximizes ad


Yep... only place from which comes any of what's Truly needed if things are to
have some semblance of 'balance'.

rather than trying to 'exile' Religion, 'science', while maintaining it's
strength in the search for Truth, should be grateful that folks in Religion are
right-there, reminding folks in 'science' of its Moral Obligations... without
such, all that's left is, to the detriment of all people, everywhere, a hollow
shell of what Science can be.

besides, there's only one 'magesterium'... Truth.

one can, with effort, 'separate' one's self from the whole, but there's no
'dividing' Truth.

'division' with respect to such only 'reaps the whirlwind'.

K. P. Collins


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