Why The Shift In Consciousness?

C.S. Mills chmills at flash.net
Sat Oct 30 01:32:37 EST 1999

For some time I have been seeking a technique which would help me focus
better. I finally have found a technique which is very simple and very
effective. It may or may not work for others. All of my life I have
worked hard to adapt to difficult situations rather than to get angry
about them.  I do fairly regularly manage to change bad situations over
time by creative problem-solving, but never by attempting to emotionally
steamroll other people.

This is my technique for achieving better focus. I begin by making  sure
that I am alone in my house. Then I begin to clean house aggressively. 
I throw items into place, I move sharply, like an angry woman will when
she wants to show her husband how angry she is at him.  I slam doors
like a hostile teenager.  I scrub the sink with a real vengeance.  I
begin to feel a difference in myself after only a few moments of this. 
I feel my placid, adaptive self give way to my aggressive, in-charge
self. Mentally it is if I move from the passenger's seat of my
automobile into the driver's seat.

I am not angry nor aggressive later, when my husband returns home, since
my anger is only fantasy; yet I am  “in charge of myself,” with a
healthy presence of mind, and am able to respond to him without my
habitual defensiveness. 

The first time I did this the effect lasted for a day and a half. I am
learning what this state of mind feels like, and am able to maintain it
for increasingly long periods of time by imagining that feeling. I do
the exercise again any time I become less alert. I believe that my
technique shifts my mind to beta waves by getting me fired up with
adrenaline; I have heard that beta rhythm occurs with various forms of

Can someone tell me whether my technique would be likely to  trigger
beta rhythm? If so, my simple (absolutely free) technique could prove a
boon to those folks who otherwise would need to get expensive
biofeedback training to accomplish the same thing. There are numerous
emotional conditions in which individuals lack adequate beta rhythm. If
I have guessed wrong about my technique triggering beta rhythm, could
you make a educated guess about why this particular technique causes the
significant shift in my consciousness - passenger's seat to driver's
seat - such that I then am able to maintain that shift for several days?

chmills at flash.net

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